Saturday, October 25, 2008

Want a laugh? Look on Craig's List

So in a half-serious search for a new car with better gas mileage and doors that lock, I was bopping around on Craig's List. I came the following post. I almost died laughing.

2001 Green New VW Beetle Original Owner, under 85,300 miles I've driven this car since i was 16 and i just finished college and now i'm ready to buy a new car. I've never been in an accident, one time i backed into a lady carrying an ice cream cake in a parking lot, but no one was hurt, especially not my car. (That was closer to when i was 16)

and later...

Anything else you're wondering if it has, i'm sure it does, i'm not looking at the manual or anything. Concerning the engine, i don't know what cylinders are but they're probably there. (joking) It's all there and works great!

I almost want to buy it just because the post was so funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
