Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wow, my life is EXCITING

Well, as previously mentioned, I graduated. Then I went home. And I have since been working at a coffeeshop down the street from my house. Now, I know it's not a "real" job, but hey, it's money. Which is what I need right now. Plus, I don't want to get a career type job here in Southern California because I don't really want to stay here. I would instead like to live somewhere in the northern regions of California, specifically Sacramento area or Redding.

Before that, though, I may live in Denver or Maryland. I applied for the AmeriCorps program NCCC, and so far so good. I have to have a phone interview in the next couple days, then I will be notified of my acceptance or lack thereof within 3 weeks of said interview.

I figured that it would be nice to do some stuff that I couldn't do if I was paying rent or working a "real job". So that's why I'm working at a coffeeshop and applying for the AmeriCorps. I would like to do something overseas at some point too. Hannah found a great site for au pairs, but I'm not too into nannying. I need to find one where I just need to keep their house clean and cook them dinner or something. Not that I cook well, but I could practice on them, haha.

I have read lots of books so far, one being Daniel Deronda by George Eliot (she also wrote Middlemarch). It was 710 pages. I am quite proud of myself. It was a good book, I highly recommend it. I might attempt to finish Les Miserables... it has taken me a few years to get 3/4 of the way through it. I'm going to have to catch myself up with the SparkNotes that I bought, and then figure out where I left off. Yuck. But that's a good book too, with the exception of the 100 pages going on and on and on about some French war. Skipped that part.

So yeah, that's my life. Oh yeah, I think I might start trying different churches on Sundays. I think I'll start with EVFree-- 'scuse me, NorthPoint-- then perhaps Calvary Chapel. We'll see where I go from there.

Ok, that's my life right now. Exciting, huh? Yeah right. =)

My coworker asked if I had been tanning because my arms looked dark. She's my favorite person in the whole wide world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here's to something other than a 'real' job *cheers*

-hannah :)