Monday, May 12, 2008

Reflections of a College Graduate

Sorry it's been so long since I have last blogged. In my defense, I have been rather busy (until last week, anyway).

I graduated college. Though I am glad to be done with group projects and quizzes and pointless busy work, I will miss learning with my peers and reading interesting things and most of all... friends. I made some fantastic friends over these four years. Together we have experienced, learned, discussed, exercised, laughed, cried, traveled, gone on midnight WinCo chocolate runs, frozen at the bonfires on The Patio, drank more coffee than I'm sure is healthy, loved, and laughed some more. We have shared each other's burdens... rejoiced when they rejoiced, wept when they wept, supported when life was rough, encouraged when circumstances seemed overwhelming or confusing, shared in anticipation and enthusiasm when an exciting opportunity came along. We discussed our homework with each other (those darn dialogue papers!). We shared what we had discovered in our personal lives. We created memories.

And in one day, it concludes. A whirwind of preparation and activity. Statements of "I can't believe I'm graduating!"... "This is SO WEIRD!"... "I look like a fat cow in this gown."... "Can you believe it?!? We made it, friend! We're graduating!" float around room where we line up. Then we walk down that graduation aisle to sounds of Pomp and Circumstance (or whatever the heck that song is called), and the roar of applause, and the snapping of cameras. Each graduate takes the seemingly unending walk across the stage to receive his or her diploma. We turn our tassles, and walk back down the aisle to more applause and more camera flashes.

We are college graduates!

The whole day is a blur. Surreal. I try to comprehend where the past 4 years have gone, what has happened that day, entertain guests from out of town. I try to live in the moment, enjoy what's happening. But I'm not quite sure what's happening. I walk in a fog.

I go to Red Robin one last time with my fellow graduates. We go back to campus for a bonfire on The Patio, hanging out, being friends. We ask about future plans. We promise to keep in touch.

Together, we have conquered homework and projects and success and defeat. We have spent 4 years together, building friendships.

This day is joyful.... we have made it to another milestone! Life awaits us, options are unlimited, we are unfettered by anything (except student loans), the world is ours for the taking. What freedom! What joy! What opportunity!

And I hold back the tears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I identify with so many of your emotions! Congratulations!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving the comment! It's nice to "meet" you. :)