Saturday, February 09, 2008

A brief summary

Last semester of senior year: exciting, yet anxiety-producing. I am definitely looking forward to graduating... I feel like I will have accomplished something. But-- then what? Good question.

I just want to travel. All this job, responsibility thing... overrated. Though the whole steady income thing sounds nice. Right now, every time I get a paycheck, my bank account practically doubles, haha. How about someone support me? I could be a non-profit.

I should work for the Red Cross. Travel to various countries to help those who have been impacted by distasters or other external influences.

I'm totally sick of school, though. Senioritis has definitely kicked in. Every semester I say that I have a ton to read; without question, this semester is requiring the most reading. By the end the semester, I will have read 6 or 7 entire books. The shortest by far is 130 pages.

This semester has been nice, though, in that I have been able to go places on the weekends. I went to Colorado for a few days with my church group; though it was painful falling down the Rockies in an attempt to snowboard, I had a good time, and hope to snowboard again soon. I also went to the SF area to see some friends as well as my sister. Hopefully I can go again this coming weekend. It's really nice to get off campus, as well as get to know my Red Bluff friends during the car rides.

Because I'm in my last semester and realizing that opportunities for a lot of fun things might soon be coming to a hiatus (did I use that word correctly??), I am trying to take advantage of the times when I can go places, even at the expense of my homework. Which is fine. I'm graduating with honors, so who cares about this semester, as long as I don't fail anything this semester. Which I'm not.

So yeah. I've been learning a lot about myself, a lot I didn't really want to know. I'm realizing my brokeness as a human being. Painful. But necessary.

So that's my life! Cheerful. haha. OH! Accomplishment for Stephanie! I now know how to drive stick shift! Go me! I actually really enjoy it, and whenever I get a new car, I will probably get a manual. Unless I live in the big city and will be stuck in traffic. That's no fun anyway, and even less so with having to press the clutch in and out every 10 seconds. Anyway, I have further decided that I enjoy the Jeep/small SUV things over a car. I attribute this affinity to the fact that I learned to drive a van and consequently feel rather vulnerable and small in a car. Plus, getting a larger vehicle might help compensate for my small stature. Only downside: gas mileage. But I got gas here for less than $3.00 per gallon last week! I was pretty excited.

Well, speaking of doing things at the expense of homework...

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