Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Randomness Galore

The weather is absolutely beautiful here!!! A perfect 72 degrees, with a slight wind. Much too nice to be cooped up indoors. So Janelle and I went on a quick walk to take advantage of said weather, and now I have opened the blinds and the window to let in the fair breeze.

I got a poster from Wal*Mart yesterday which I put on my closet, thus having to move all my pictures from the closet door to the wall. Unfortunately, they don't stick to the wall. I taped them to some paper and taped the paper to the wall- hopefully that will work better. Any ideas, though?

We went to Best Buy yesterday as well. If anyone has about $1,000 lying around, I am more than willing to take it. I want a digital SLR!! It's not that I'm not content with my camera (ew- double negative). It's just that it would be so much cheaper in the long run to have a digital. I'll wait for them to go WAAAAY down in price, and then maybe I'll get one.

I have been thinking about next year's schedule- do I want early classes or late classes? Morning classes are nice because I get most everything done early, but then again, they're... early. I have been getting up before 8:00 for almost 2 weeks straight. I am tired. Very tired. I am ready for a nap. But no, I have homework, procrastination, and training for work to do. My day is packed. So here I sit, wasting time. What fun.

Chapel was rather charismatic today. People jumping around and yelling and such. I'm starting to get used to it, but it still startles me sometimes. It's definitely food for thought- is it right? Wrong? Neutral? I'm almost to a conclusion, but I still have to process through some of it.

Well, I really better be going. *sigh*

Oh, I haven't particularly tried it yet, but does anyone know how to post pictures on a blog entry? I got that picture of Abby and me up, but I'm not exactly sure how. Hehe. Plus, there wasn't a post- just a picture. How do you do a post and a picture?

1 comment:

Sazzly said...

That picture of you and Abby was good! In order to post pictures and write an entry, you send the picture through Hello! and then edit the post online to add text. If you want 2 pictures, I have been copying the picture from one post to another, to get them all into one, and then adding text.